Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020): Lingua Cultura
Indonesian EAP Students’ Vocabulary Level and Size: An Empirical Investigation
Abstract 956 . Downloaded 485 -
SKY Castle: Consuming Education from the Cases of Two Tiger Parents
Abstract 1614 . Downloaded 1364 -
Acehnese Archaic Words in Hikayat: An Early Influential Literary Work
Abstract 720 . Downloaded 454 -
The Japanese Understanding on New Words with Suffix -Teki Across Generations
Abstract 3335 . Downloaded 727 -
Character Education in an Acehnese Cultural Saga: Hikayat Prang Sabi
Abstract 783 . Downloaded 620 -
Visual Pleasure in Kawabata Yasunari's Novella House of the Sleeping Beauties
Abstract 733 . Downloaded 671 -
Phonological Description of Teochew Dialect in Pontianak West Kalimantan
Abstract 671 . Downloaded 615 -
Linguistic Signs in Slang Used in Drug Trading Transactions in Padang City
Abstract 624 . Downloaded 824 -
Examining Indonesian EFL Teacher Educators’ Views on Utilising L1 in L2 Classrooms
Abstract 671 . Downloaded 538 -
Production of Vowel /ə/ in Sundanese by Japanese Native Speakers in First Exposure
Abstract 514 . Downloaded 475 -
The Use of Audiobooks in Developing Seventh-Grade Students' Reading Skills (A Case Study for EFL Students)
Abstract 1621 . Downloaded 1007 -
Questioning Strategies in English Literature Lectures in an Indonesian University
Abstract 1396 . Downloaded 892 -
Animals as Symbols of Human Positive and Negative Traits on Javanese Expressions
Abstract 613 . Downloaded 1406