Vol. 11 No. 3 (2020): Humaniora
Principals’ Challenges to Implement School Based Management in English-Speaking Schools Setting
Abstract 445 . Downloaded 561 -
A Review of the Role of Intangible Axis toward the Pathok Negoro’s Design Concept, Yogyakarta
Abstract 600 . Downloaded 480 -
Relationship between Conformity and Consumptive Behavior in Female Adolescents
Abstract 5032 . Downloaded 5018 -
The Values of Local Wisdom of Minangkabau Culture in a Baralek Gadang Traditional Wedding
Abstract 1382 . Downloaded 1284 -
Investigating the Use of Project-Based Learning in Enhancing Indonesian University Students’ Cultural Knowledge
Abstract 539 . Downloaded 633 -
Material Adverse Change: An Alternative Solution to Suspension of the Debt Payment.
Abstract 573 . Downloaded 413 -
Validity and Reliability of Resilience Scale for Islamic Boarding School Students
Abstract 1194 . Downloaded 1422 -
The Psychological Impacts of Internet Pornography Addiction on Adolescents
Abstract 16092 . Downloaded 10328