Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Humaniora
Seni Beluk Cikondang Indigenous Village Reviewed from the Perspective of Music Education
Abstract 767 . Downloaded 507 -
Disruptive Innovation: A Case of Solving Hoax Information in Indonesia
Abstract 729 . Downloaded 536 -
New Democracy in Digital Era through Social Media and News Online
Abstract 1794 . Downloaded 1113 -
Intersection Cultural Value, Nationalism, and Commodification behind the Garuda Chair as Jepara’s Signature Industries
Abstract 612 . Downloaded 633 -
Reflection on Technology-Enhanced Learning in Research Based Teaching Method Implementation
Abstract 1222 . Downloaded 428 -
Photovoltaic and Wind Turbine: A Comparison as Building Integrated Renewable Energy in Indonesia
Abstract 843 . Downloaded 485 -
The Meaning of Pura Agung Surya Bhuvana on the Religious Lives in Jayapura in The Global Era
Abstract 638 . Downloaded 516