Leadership and Motivation to Performance through Job Satisfaction of Hotel Employees at D'Merlion Batam


  • Yandra Rivaldo Institut Agama Islam Abdullah Said Batam




leadership performance, motivation performance, job satisfaction, employee performance, hotel employees


The research aimed to confirm the theory with empirical evidence focusing on leadership, employee motivation, employee job satisfaction, and employee performance. The research applied a causal model survey method with path analysis techniques. The population were 45 employees of the D'Merlion Hotel Batam, and the sample was taken by using a census method. The significance value of leadership on job satisfaction is 0,082 > 0,05, it is concluded that direct leadership has no significant effect on job satisfaction. The significance value of motivation on job satisfaction is 0,000 < 0,05, which implies that motivation has a significant direct effect on job satisfaction. With similar significance value of 0,000 < 0,05, leadership has a significant direct effect on employee performance. Motivation has a significant direct effect on employee performance with significance value of 0,009 < 0,05. Lastly, with the significance value of 0,008 < 0,05, job satisfaction directly has a significant effect on employee performance.


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How to Cite

Rivaldo, Y. (2021). Leadership and Motivation to Performance through Job Satisfaction of Hotel Employees at D’Merlion Batam. Journal The Winners, 22(1), 25-30. https://doi.org/10.21512/tw.v22i1.7039
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