E-Government: Suatu Tinjauan Konsep dan Permasalahan


  • Adi Cahyadi Bina Nusantara University






Like any other e-Business terms, e-Government is a term most likely to be over-exploited and this will tend to create a miss-perception in the way government and public views this emerging business concept. This relatively simple and short article tries to present in more detail to its readers the true concept of e-Government. Furthermore, this article will also explain the slow adoption rate of e-Government in a developing country such as Indonesia and offered a short term solution that is deemed appropriate

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New Zealand Government. 2001. Report on New Zealand e-Government Strategy.

Peoplesoft White Paper Series. 2001. Guideline for Building e-Government, Best Practices for e-Government Implementations.

Proudfoot, Scott. 2003. Weighing e-Government. Hillwatch Inc.

Purbo, Onno W. Akankah e-Government Memecahkan Masalah Indonesia.

UN DPEPA and American Society for Public Administration. 2001. Benchmarking E-Government: A Global Perspective, Assessing the Progress of the UN Member States.




How to Cite

Cahyadi, A. (2003). E-Government: Suatu Tinjauan Konsep dan Permasalahan. Journal The Winners, 4(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.21512/tw.v4i1.3796
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