Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022): The Winners
Domestic Credit and Stock Market Impact on Economic Growth: A New Evidence in Five ASEAN Countries
Abstract 459 . Downloaded 830 -
Analysis of Regional Budget Management Performance at Regional Finance Agency of Pamekasan Regency
Abstract 556 . Downloaded 605 -
Abnormal Return Analysis Before and After General Election in Asia
Abstract 526 . Downloaded 531 -
Hot-Fit Model to Measure the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Information System in Public Sector
Abstract 1003 . Downloaded 766 -
The Importance of Brand Stories towards Brand Perception and Purchase Intention in Gen Z Indonesians
Abstract 3255 . Downloaded 3036 -
The Role of Threshold of Free Shipping Promotion and Product Type on Impulsive Buying Behaviour in E-Commerce Platform
Abstract 1461 . Downloaded 1083 -
Strategic Marketing Approach of Indonesia Aluminium Mineral Industry: Upstream and Downstream Analysis
Abstract 522 . Downloaded 725 -
The Social Capital in Family Firms: Impacts on Family-Longevity-Goals and Performances
Abstract 429 . Downloaded 375