Blockchain-Capabilities, Supply Chain Resilience, and Company Performance:

An Empirical Study in Indonesia and Switzerland


  • Darjat Sudrajat Bina Nusantara University (BINUS University)
  • Andre Kreie Kuehne Foundation
  • Engkos Achmad Kuncoro Bina Nusantara University
  • Adam Zulyiko Hakim Bina Nusantara University



blockchain capability, supplay chain resilience, company performance


Alignment and agility are essential supply chain capabilities required to maintain and enhance performance, particularly in the current era of disruption. The research aimed to examine the impact of blockchain capabilities on supply chain resilience and company performance using quantitative and cross-sectional survey methods. Logistics service providers (LSP) were selected as the units of analysis, and individuals such as logisticians in Indonesia and Switzerland served as units of observation. Data were collected through an electronic questionnaire (Google Forms) using a quota sampling technique and analyzed using Smart-PLS software. The sample size included 60 respondents, comprising 45 and 15 from Indonesia and Switzerland based on the 10-times rule. The results show that supply chain resilience partially and fully mediated the impact of blockchain capabilities (supply chain alignment and agility) on LSPPerformance. LSP could also enhance performance and resilience by implementing blockchain technology to enhance supply chain alignment and agility. In theoretical terms, the results have implications contributing to dynamic capability theory. In practical applications, the research serves as valuable insights for government authorities and IT consultants when formulating effective plans and strategies to analyze the adoption of blockchain technology among LSP. Additionally, directors and owners of these companies are persuaded that blockchain has the potential to create and enhance supply chain capabilities, as well as increasing competitive advantage. 


Plum Analytics

Author Biography

Andre Kreie, Kuehne Foundation

Andre Kreie (PhD) is Director Global Logistics Education with the Kühne Foundation based in Schindellegi,
Switzerland. He is a Business Economist and holds a PhD and Masters in Logistics and Supply Chain
Management from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. Dr Kreie completed a professional multi-year
traineeship with a logistics company to understand and apply all operational procedures required in sea-,
air-, and land-transportation. Prior to joining the Kühne Foundation, Dr Kreie gained further work
experience in the supply chain business with a globally operating logistics service provider and worked as
project manager for logistics design and operations with a leading European DIY-retailer. Dr Kreie has
been teaching intensively in business programs at different universities and further education
institutions and his research interest is on organizational and network learning, and supply chain risk
management to enable the adaptations of logistical systems to a changing environment. Dr Kreie won
the International Emerald/EFDM Outstanding Doctoral Research Award for his PhD thesis on “The
Adaptation of Supply Chains to Climate Change”. In his current role, Dr. Kreie leads the LSCM Education
unit of the Kühne Foundation that addresses logistics and supply chain management topics as well as
leadership and strategic elements for academics as well as professionals. Present activities involve global
projects in higher education and vocational trainings with a particular focus on university capacity
building in logistics and supply chain management, i.e. Bachelor, Master, and PhD-Degree programs


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How to Cite

Sudrajat, D., Kreie, A., Kuncoro, E. A., & Hakim, A. Z. (2023). Blockchain-Capabilities, Supply Chain Resilience, and Company Performance: : An Empirical Study in Indonesia and Switzerland. Journal The Winners, 24(2), 127-135.



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