Development Trends of Digital Transformation in Entrepreneurship and Innovation: A Bibliometric Analysis




bibliometric, digital transformation, entrepreneurship, innovation, Scopus


The research provided a bibliometric analysis of 340 studies conducted between 2011 and 2022 related to digital transformation in entrepreneurship and innovation. The bibliographic data were extracted from the Scopus database and analyzed using bibliometric tools in R software. The research revealed research trends such as publication and citation per year, top sources, top authors, top documents, and top countries, as well as their impacts. The conceptual structure was analyzed using Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) and hierarchical clustering analysis, which resulted in four cluster keywords related to leadership, entrepreneurial agility, technology impact, digital ecosystems, and digital services. The thematic map analysis identified twenty-seven clusters, which were mapped into four quadrants. Three of those clusters were identified as motor themes (micro foundation, digital global value chain, and digital servitization) which were analyzed in detail through content analysis. The theoretical contribution of the research is to enhance the understanding of how digital technology changes the broad assumptions on the sources, processes, and outcomes of entrepreneurial activities and innovation processes, while the practical contribution provides various contexts of technological impact.


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Author Biography

Tat-Huei Cham, UCSI Graduate Business School, UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dr Cham Tat Huei is currently an Associate Professor and Deputy Dean at UCSI Graduate Business School, UCSI University, Malaysia. Previously, Dr. Cham was an Assistant Professor and Head of Programme (PhD & MPhil) at the Faculty of Accountancy and Management, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Malaysia. He received his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia) and Master’s degree in Management Studies from the University of Hertfordshire (UK), and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from INTI International Laureate University (Malaysia). Moreover, he has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (Hons) Entrepreneurship from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia). Prior to joining academia, he was actively involved as a researcher in consumer and industry marketing research.

Dr Cham’s research interests focus mainly on marketing, consumer behaviour, business management, tourism and hospitality, service marketing, service industry strategy and operations, technology management, and organisational behaviour. He also holds the position of Research Advisor at Institut Koperasi Malaysia (IKMa) and Research Associate at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). As for research publications, he has published several international refereed journal articles and has presented at various conferences. Dr Cham’s passion for research has allowed him to secure research funding from local and international funding bodies such as the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE), The Head Foundation Limited (Singapore), the Government of The People’s Republic of China, Tun Tan Cheng Lock Centre for Social and Policy Studies, among others, with an accumulated amount of RM 474,700. Additionally, Dr Cham is actively involved with consultancy activities and has also successfully secured consultancy projects with an accumulated amount of more than RM 50,000.

In terms of research publications, Dr Cham has published over 40 papers that appeared in leading academic journals indexed in SSCI and/or SCOPUS and/or ABS and/or ABDC, such as the International Journal of Tourism Research, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Internet Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Computers & Education, European Business Review, Journal of China Tourism Research, Telematics and Informatics, etc. As for the editorial works, he is currently serving as an Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Marketing Advances and Practices and editorial review board member for several international journals (i.e., Journal of Computer Information Systems, Asian Journal of Business Research, Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling, Journal of Agribusiness Marketing, etc.). Besides that, Dr Cham also serves as the guest editor for the International Journal of Bank Marketing and the Journal of Marketing Analytics.

In recognition of his research achievements, Dr Cham has been awarded several awards, such as the Most Productive Researcher Award (2021) by UCSI Graduate Business School, Best Paper Award (2020) at the International Postgraduate Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality (IPSTH2020), Best Reviewer Award (2017/2018) by the Asian Journal of Business Research, Outstanding Paper Award (2018) by the QS Subject Focus Summit Research Sharing Session, and Best Paper Award (2018) at the MAG Scholar Conference. In 2022, he won three Best Paper Awards at the International Conference on Information Systems and Intelligent Applications (ICISIA2022), 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ICETIS2022), and International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH2022).  In addition to research-related activities, Dr Cham has always been able to bring in his sound, versatile knowledge, and experience in entrepreneurship and research skills to the classroom, working, training, and to other formal centres wherever such knowledge and expertise are needed. He is always keen to share his knowledge and experiences with his peers and students for their self-development. His teaching capabilities have been evaluated positively by his peers and students. In recognition of his dedication to delivering high-quality teaching, Dr Cham has been awarded various recognitions, including Teaching Excellence Award (2021) by UCSI Graduate Business School, Certificate of Achievement for Excellence Academic Evaluation (2021) by UCSI Graduate Business School, and Congratulation Letter on Excellence Teaching Performance from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) for the year 2017, 2019, and 2020.

In recognition of his outstanding academic leadership achievements, Dr Cham has been appointed as an auditor for the Malaysian Research Assessment (MyRA) for the Higher Education Institutions under the purview of the Malaysian Government, Visiting Lecturer /Scholar for St. Vincent’s College Incorporated (Dipolog City, Philippines), and External Examiner/Assessor for various higher learning institutions that include Universiti Teknologi MARA (Malaysia), International University of Malaya-Wales (Malaysia), Sunway University (Malaysia), International Medical University (Malaysia), HELP University (Malaysia), and First City University College (Malaysia). Moreover, Dr Cham has also been appointed as the academic assessor for the Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow (ABEST21), an accreditation body of Japan. To date, he is a certified trainer for, Human Resources Development Fund (Malaysia), and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC



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How to Cite

Utomo, P. ., & Cham, T.-H. (2023). Development Trends of Digital Transformation in Entrepreneurship and Innovation: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal The Winners, 24(1), 33-44.



Dig. Trans. from Entre. and Innovation Perspective in Developing Countries
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