Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019): Lingua Cultura
Considering All (Non) Living Things: A Biocentric Orientation in Blair Richmond’s The Lithia Trilogy
Abstract 1240 . Downloaded 408 -
Error Analysis and Teaching Strategies of Chinese Time Adverbs “Zai” and “Cai” for Indonesian Students
Abstract 1440 . Downloaded 302 -
Language Code Choice of Male Abdi Dalem of Karaton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat
Abstract 1067 . Downloaded 414 -
Critical Thinking-Related Challenges to Academic Writing: A Case of Indonesian Postgraduate Students at a UK University
Abstract 3743 . Downloaded 1890 -
Hybridity in Action and Crossing Ethnic Boundaries in the Films Ngenest and Cek Toko Sebelah
Abstract 1405 . Downloaded 326 -
The Discrimination against Women Reflected in Novels Entrok, Maryam, And Pasung Jiwa by Okky Madasari
Abstract 1756 . Downloaded 602 -
The Implementation of Discovery Learning Models in Enhancing Speech Script Writing Skills for Students
Abstract 2106 . Downloaded 746 -
The Use of Commercial Advertisement to Teach University Students in English for Specific Purpose Context
Abstract 1826 . Downloaded 613