Vol. 9 No. 3 (2018): Humaniora
Creating an Awareness Campaign Against the Fomo Phenomenon in Young Adults’ Social Media Usage
Abstract 5783 . Downloaded 1688 -
Public Relation Strategy in Improving Brand Awareness of Bright Gas 5,5 kg at PT Pertamina (Persero) Mor III
Abstract 4123 . Downloaded 694 -
Conversational Code-Switching among Bilinguals in Junior High School Reunion Event
Abstract 3909 . Downloaded 541 -
Gender Bias in Javanese Society: A Study in Language Forms Choice to Men and Women
Abstract 4896 . Downloaded 823 -
Experimental Design: Javanese Folktale Preservation Using Augmented Reality Technology
Abstract 3736 . Downloaded 412 -
Islamic Educational Management for Seventh Grade Students at SMPN 1 Wonosegoro
Abstract 3934 . Downloaded 252 -
Learning Strategies Used by the Students in Performance Assessment in EFL Classroom
Abstract 3931 . Downloaded 377 -
Loan-Address Terms to Enhance Atmosphere of Source Novel in Target Novel
Abstract 3610 . Downloaded 250 -
The Meaning of Rejang Pingit Dance Performance at Geriana Kangin Village, Karangasem, Bali in the Global Era
Abstract 3846 . Downloaded 339