Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): Binus Business Review
Investigating the Role of Foreign Direct Investment on Youth Unemployment Rate in Indonesia
Abstract 1141 . Downloaded 1079 -
Dynamic Relationship of Macro Variables and Liquefied Petroleum Gas Subsidy Transformation Program
Abstract 533 . Downloaded 479 -
Can Product Quality Improve Purchase Decisions in E-Commerce and Social Media through Customer Loyalty and Trust?
Abstract 2139 . Downloaded 1370 -
The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Enjoyment on Customer Trust and Loyalty in Online Food Delivery Service
Abstract 1445 . Downloaded 1283 -
Design of Balanced Scorecard as a School’s Performance Measurement
Abstract 735 . Downloaded 511 -
The Challenging Time for Indonesia Government Bond During Covid-19 Pandemic
Abstract 451 . Downloaded 601 -
Quality, Knowledge, and Innovation: A Systematic Literature Search and Bibliometric Analysis
Abstract 591 . Downloaded 569 -
Investors’ Behavior and Equity Investment Decision: An Evidence from Nepal
Abstract 930 . Downloaded 1097 -
Environmental, Social, and Governance Risk on Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Firm Risk
Abstract 1403 . Downloaded 1208