Vol. 12 No. 2 (2011): The Winners Vol. 12 No. 2 2011
Analysis of Three Antecedent Dimensions of Service Towards Consumer's Trust and Their Impact on Post-Purchase Behavior
Abstract 524 . Downloaded 443 -
A Cross-Cultural Web Usability Analysis of Asian Countries’ Official Tourism Websites
Abstract 593 . Downloaded 519 -
Strategi Bersaing untuk Mengoptimalkan Kapasitas Produksi: Studi Kasus pada PT. Jaya Indah Casting, Bekasi
Abstract 1146 . Downloaded 2958 -
Pengaruh Penerapan Corporate Social Responsibility terhadap Persepsi Nasabah Bank dan Dampaknya terhadap Corporate Image
Abstract 1738 . Downloaded 4826 -
Customer Awareness and Behavior Intention Towards the Use of Halal Logo on Restaurants
Abstract 898 . Downloaded 538 -
New Software Performance with Balanced Score Card Assessment: Case Study at LPGI Jakarta
Abstract 484 . Downloaded 301