The Effect of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Easiness towards Behavioral Intention to Use Fintech by Indonesian MSMEs


  • Astri Wening Perwitasari Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia



perceived usefulness, perceived easiness, behavioral intention, fintech, MSME


The research aimed to test how are Micro Small Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) acceptance towards financial technology  fintech). The number of MSME that using fintech is still need to be maximized. MSMEs were chosen as research object due to their numerous contribution in gross domestic product (GDP). Therefore, it was considered important to understand MSME’s notion to use fintech in their business operation, which is wellknown that financial technology could give a lot of services which may improve MSMEs performance. The research adopted the technology acceptance model (TAM) theory to determine the effect of the variable perceived of usefulness and perceived ease of use on behavioral intention to use fintech services by MSME entrepreneurs. Technology acceptance model had been the most widely  applied model to measure and analyze a technology's use and acceptance. The descriptive quantitative research was applied. The analysis using multiple linear regression tests on 60 respondents. Respondents were managers of MSMEs who use financial technology services in their business operations in any form. Classical assumption testing was carried out to meet the requirements of multiple linear regression analysis. The data met the criteria for multiple linear regression. The results reveal that perceived of usefulness and perceived ease of use variables simultaneously affect the behavioral intention to use financial technology services. Partially, perceived of usefulness affects behavioral intention to use, as well as the perceived ease of use affects behavioral intention to use financial technology services. 


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How to Cite

Perwitasari, A. W. (2022). The Effect of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Easiness towards Behavioral Intention to Use Fintech by Indonesian MSMEs. Journal The Winners, 23(1), 1-9.
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