Siapa Konsumen Kita? : Analisis Perubahan Konsumen Di Era ”Ekonomi Baru”


  • C. T. Adhikara Fakultas Ekonomi Jurusan Manajemen, UBiNus, Jakarta



new economy, consumer, change


Economy has shifted into a new space. It’s often called New Economy or Digital Economy or Internet Economy. The characteristic of New Economy is signed by technology application using internet in every sector, limitless of trade time and space.
Speed is an important element for everything. It also affects consumer. Who is company’s real consumer in this New Economy?



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Capodagli, Bill. and Lynn Jackson. 2001. Leading at The Speed of Change. McGraw Hill.

Kalakota, Ravi. 1996. E-Commerce – A Manager Guide. Addison Wesley.

Peter, Paul. and Jerry C. Olson. 1999. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy. McGraw Hill.

Rayport, Jeffrey F. and Bernard Jaworski. 2003. Introduction to E-Commerce, McGraw Hill.

Solomon, Michael R. 1996. Consumer Behaviour. Prentice Hall Int’l.

Trout, Jack and Al Ries. 2001. Positioning; The Battle for Your Mind. McGraw Hill.

Tuede, Lars. and Peter Ohnemus. 2001. Marketing Strategies for The New Economy. John Wiley & Sons.

Turban, Efraim. And David King. 2004. E-Commerce – A amanagerial Perspectives. Pearson.

Wind, Jerry. and Vijay Mahajan. 2002. Convergence Marketing. Pearson.

Zyman, Sergio. 2000. The End of Marketing as We Know It. Jakarta: Gramedia.




How to Cite

Adhikara, C. T. (2005). Siapa Konsumen Kita? : Analisis Perubahan Konsumen Di Era ”Ekonomi Baru”. Journal The Winners, 6(2), 175-183.
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