Peningkatan Mutu Proses Perguruan Tinggi Melalui Sistem Mutu Iso 9000


  • Th. Widia Soerjaningsih Bina Nusantara University



quality improvement, higher education, ISO 9000 quality system


Article was made to answer these several questions;  what is acreditation and the application in the college; what is ISO 9000 quality system; why is ISO 9000 needed by the college; how ISO 9000 can support the achievement of the defined quality level; how ISO  9000 guarantee the achievement of BAN target including quality, efficiency, and relevance; what is the difference between BAN Acreditation and ISO 9000 Certification; ISO 9000 Consultant: why it is necessary, how to choose it, the line of the contract; ISO 9000 Assessor and the achieve certification: SGS and etc.; and ISO 9000 Certification Proccess Cost Aspect.   

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How to Cite

Soerjaningsih, T. W. (2004). Peningkatan Mutu Proses Perguruan Tinggi Melalui Sistem Mutu Iso 9000. Journal The Winners, 5(2), 79-89.
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