Reviewers Home

Reviewers play an essential part in science as well as in scholarly publishing. Scientists and scholars have relied upon peer review to validate research, engage other specialists in the support of submitted work, and increase networking possibilities within specific specialist communities.

Although in recent years the peer review process has attracted some criticism, it remains the only widely accepted method for research validation and a cornerstone of the scientific publishing process. Like most scientific journals, the International Journal of Organizational Business Excellence (IJOBEX) relies on effective peer review processes to uphold not only the quality and validity of individual articles, but also the overall integrity of the journal.

How to be a Reviewer with IJOBEX?

To be a reviewer with IJOBEX simply download the Reviewer’s Application form, complete it and send it to the Executive Editor via email. You will be informed of the outcome of your application within two weeks of your submission.

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Reviewer’s Application Form

Please submit your CV to the Editor-in-Chief via email.