Vol. 6 No. 4 (2015): ComTech
Solar Analysis Using Building Information Modelling with the Glass Box Method in Jakarta
Abstract 427 . Downloaded 359 -
Comparison Formwork Wood Sloof to Batako Viewed from the Aspect of Time and Cost
Abstract 533 . Downloaded 870 -
Analysis and Design Information System Logistics Delivery Service in Pt Repex Wahana
Abstract 685 . Downloaded 459 -
Master Data Management Model in Company: Challenges and Opportunity
Abstract 1707 . Downloaded 1310 -
The Needs of Virtual Machines Implementation in Private Cloud Computing Environment
Abstract 699 . Downloaded 560 -
Performance Improvement with Web Based Database on Library Information System of Smk Yadika 5
Abstract 541 . Downloaded 337 -
Image Segmentation of Cattle Muzzle Using Region Merging Statistical Technic
Abstract 580 . Downloaded 517 -
Application of Data Mining Algorithm to Recipient of Motorcycle Installment
Abstract 682 . Downloaded 386 -
Data Warehouse Design with Kimball Method: Case Study of Fahrenheit Manufacturing Systems
Abstract 1479 . Downloaded 1244 -
Fractal Communication System Using Digital Signal Processing Starter Kit (DSK) TMS320c6713
Abstract 488 . Downloaded 277 -
Arrangement of Players Position in Soccer Using the Technique of Naive Bayes
Abstract 451 . Downloaded 312