Image Segmentation of Cattle Muzzle Using Region Merging Statistical Technic


  • Jullend Gatc Kalbis Institute of Technology and Business



cattle muzzle, statistical region merging, segmentation, identification, digital image processing.


Making an identification system that able to assist in obtaining, recording and organizing information is the first step in developing any kind of recording system. Nowadays, many recording systems were developed with artificial markers although it has been proved that it has many limitations. Biometrics use of animals provides a solution to these restrictions. On a cattle, biometric features contained in the cattle muzzle that can be used as a pattern recognition sample. Pattern recognition methods can be used for the development of cattle identification system utilizing biometric found on the cattle muzzle using digital image processing techniques. In this study, we proposed cattle muzzle identification method using segmentation Statistical Region Merging (SRM). This method aims to identify specific patterns found on the cattle muzzle by separating the object pattern (foreground) from unnecessary information (background) This method is able to identified individual cattle based on the pattern of it muzzle. Based on our evaluation, this method can provide good performance results. This method good performance can be seen from the precision and recall : 87% and the value of ROC : 0.976. Hopefully this research can be used to help identify cattle accurately on the recording process.


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How to Cite

Gatc, J. (2015). Image Segmentation of Cattle Muzzle Using Region Merging Statistical Technic. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 6(4), 555-568.



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