Fractal Communication System Using Digital Signal Processing Starter Kit (DSK) TMS320c6713


  • Arsyad Ramadhan Darlis National Technology Institute of Bandung



fractal modulation, self-similary, dsk tms320c6713, wavelet


In 1992, Wornell and Oppenheim did research on a modulation which is formed by using wavelet theory. In some other studies, proved that this modulation can survive on a few channels and has reliability in some applications. Because of this modulation using the concept of fractal, then it is called as fractal
modulation. Fractal modulation is formed by inserting information signal into fractal signals that are selffractal similary. This modulation technique has the potential to replace the OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing), which is currently used on some of the latest telecommunication technologies. The purpose of this research is to implement the fractal communication system using Digital Signal Processing Starter Kit (DSK) TMS320C6713 without using AWGN and Rayleigh channel in order to obtain the ideal performance of the system. From the simulation results using MATLAB7.4. it appears that this communication system has good performance on some channels than any other communication systems. While in terms of implementation by using (DSK) via TMS320C6713 Code Composer Studio (CCS), it can be concluded that the
fractal communication system has a better execution time on some tests.


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How to Cite

Darlis, A. R. (2015). Fractal Communication System Using Digital Signal Processing Starter Kit (DSK) TMS320c6713. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 6(4), 613-626.



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