Vol. 13 No. 3 (2019): Lingua Cultura
Correlation of Learning Motivation Based on ARCS Model With English Achievement of Midwifery Students
Abstract 1174 . Downloaded 591 -
The Representation of Patriarchy in Indonesian Children Folk Tales from Sumatra Island
Abstract 2020 . Downloaded 2589 -
Translating Proverbs in the Mate ras Mate Film Texts from Karonese Language into English
Abstract 1414 . Downloaded 402 -
Japanese Language Rhetoric of the Japanese Education Students’ at the Speech Contest
Abstract 1281 . Downloaded 354 -
Metaphor Analysis on Color Lexicon with Plant Attributes in Madurese Language
Abstract 1359 . Downloaded 348 -
Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Google Docs as an Online Collaborative Tool in Translation Class
Abstract 2543 . Downloaded 1433 -
Students’ Errors in Using the Simple Present Tense at Polytechnic ATI Padang
Abstract 1250 . Downloaded 623 -
Generic Structure of Tourism Promotion Website of Madura Natural Wonders
Abstract 767 . Downloaded 518 -
Cucuk Lampah: Cooperative Principles Violations to Create Laughter at Wedding Ceremony in Magetan
Abstract 840 . Downloaded 453