Penerapan Economic Value Added untuk Memaksimalkan Nilai Perusahaan: Studi Kasus PT XYZ


  • Hartiwi Prabowo Bina Nusantara University



Economic Value Added (EVA), company value maximum


EVA is an indicator about the value creation from an investation. Positive EVA indicate that a company is sucess in creating added value for share holders. That sincronize with the purpose to maximize the company value. Applying EVA concepts on company will encourage the management to find out the true cost of capital of the company so the level of clean return from capital will be shown clearly.


Plum Analytics


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How to Cite

Prabowo, H. (2004). Penerapan Economic Value Added untuk Memaksimalkan Nilai Perusahaan: Studi Kasus PT XYZ. Journal The Winners, 5(1), 19-33.
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