Impact Evaluation Study for Institution Strengthening of Social Food Distribution


  • Budiman Notoatmojo Bina Nusantara University



farmers group association (Gapoktan), LPDM, and Bulog.


The general objectives of this study were to evaluate whether the implementation of activities for strengthening LDPM could achieve the expected goals, to evaluate whether the LDPM strengthening activities had a positive impact. The study analysis used was descriptive, comparison, and financial analysis. The results of this study have shown that LDPM farmers’ income have increased significantly, and the Gapoktan as LPDM farmers’ institution has been significantly developing as a Bulog function in procuring grain paddy from farmers during peak harvest and distributing rice to stabilize the price of rice during the limited rice in the market.


Plum Analytics

Author Biography

Budiman Notoatmojo, Bina Nusantara University

Management Department


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How to Cite

Notoatmojo, B. (2016). Impact Evaluation Study for Institution Strengthening of Social Food Distribution. Journal The Winners, 17(1), 29-35.
Abstract 423  .
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