Published: 2024-12-27

Abstract views: 276 , PDF downloads: 187
Abstract views: 114 , PDF downloads: 94
Abstract views: 183 , PDF downloads: 70

Interactive Horror Story and the Narratives Implementation

Case Study on Interactive Story Games Developed by Supermassive Games

Galih Dea Pratama, Franz Adeta Junior, Alif Tri Handoyo, Muhammad Rizki Nur Majiid, Elshad Ryan Ardiyanto, Fredy Purnomo


Abstract views: 279 , PDF downloads: 153

Implementation of Enhanced Re-Engineering on Trivia Game to Improve Immersion

Fathur Adryan Nur, Ilyas Nuryasin, Hardianto Wibowo


Abstract views: 153 , PDF downloads: 105