Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015): Journal of ASEAN Studies
The South China Sea, Indo-Pacific Cooperation and Indonesian Perspective
Abstract 455 . Downloaded 421
Indonesia’s Response in the South China Sea Disputes: A comparative analysis of the Soeharto and the post-Soeharto era
Abstract 2039 . Downloaded 1087 -
The Proposal for an Indo-Pacific Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation: A Critical Reassessment
Abstract 1407 . Downloaded 748 -
Jokowi’s Maritime Axis: Change and Continuity of Indonesia’s Role in Indo-Pacific
Abstract 2289 . Downloaded 1335 -
A Spatial Analysis on International Remittances, Food Consumption and Deprivation in Indonesia
Abstract 956 . Downloaded 440
Research Notes
Media Dissemination “The Threat of Tsunami Unleashed from the Eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau” Through Documentary Movie
Abstract 1090 . Downloaded 490