The Proposal for an Indo-Pacific Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation: A Critical Reassessment


  • Vignesh Ram Manipal University



The emergence of the Indo- Pacific construct brings about interesting avenues for cooperation among states in the region. Characterised by the intertwining geographies of the Indian and the Pacific Oceans, the Indo- Pacific region is home to some of the most diverse peoples and economies in the world. In a speech delivered at the CSIS, Washington in 2013, the former Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegwa outlined the need for an “Indo- Pacific Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation”. In efforts to continue to address the prospects and challenges for a treaty among the major powers in the Indo- Pacific region, the article argues that a treaty would be necessary step and but should be concluded when sufficient groundwork for it is concluded. The article also argues that, the Indo – pacific concept would be best addressed if there is increased institutionalization of the concept and increased cooperation among middle powers such as India, Indonesia and Australia.


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Author Biography

Vignesh Ram, Manipal University

The author is a Ph. D Candidate at the Department of Geopolitics and International Relations, Manipal University, India. The Ph. D. thesis is entitled ‘Extra Regional Powers and the Geopolitics of Southeast Asia: A Case Study of ASEAN’



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How to Cite

Ram, V. (2015). The Proposal for an Indo-Pacific Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation: A Critical Reassessment. JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies), 3(1), 22-31.
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