Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): ComTech
Udayana University International Student Management: A Business Process Reengineering Approach
Abstract 946 . Downloaded 885 -
Forecasting and Mapping Coffee Borer Beetle Attacks Using GSTAR-SUR Kriging and GSTARX-SUR Kriging Models
Abstract 440 . Downloaded 483 -
Finding Biomarkers from a High-Dimensional Imbalanced Dataset Using the Hybrid Method of Random Undersampling and Lasso
Abstract 497 . Downloaded 309 -
The Effect Analysis of Braden Scale on Pressure Ulcer in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Abstract 797 . Downloaded 592 -
Implementation of Microservices Architecture on E-Commerce Web Service
Abstract 1980 . Downloaded 1840 -
Volatility Fitting Performance of QGARCH(1,1) Model with Student-t, GED, and SGED Distributions
Abstract 484 . Downloaded 631