The Influence of Video Direct Instruction Model to Folklore Listening Skills in Elementary School




listening skill, direct instruction, audio media


The research aimed to analyze the effect of the direct instruction model assisted by audio media on listening skills. The
experimental method was used using a quasi-experimental design. Participants were a fifth-grade students in the elementary school at Pontianak. Data collected used paper-based tests in the form of multiple-choice tests. The results show that the average posttest for the experimental group is 77,08. The average posttest for the control group is 70,96. T-test results are 2,217 and t-table α = 5% (with dk = 24 + 26 - 2 = 48) of 1,678, so t-count (2,217)> t-table (1,678). Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the audio learning model-assisted directly by audio media on listening skills on folklore. Besides that, the direct instruction model assisted by audio media has a good influence on listening skills, especially for fifth-grade students.


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Author Biography

Soeharto Soeharto, University of Szeged

Doctoral School of Education


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How to Cite

Sabri, T., Soeharto, S., & Afrizan, A. (2020). The Influence of Video Direct Instruction Model to Folklore Listening Skills in Elementary School. Lingua Cultura, 14(1), 51-55.
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