Call For Reviewer
Lingua Cultura is seeking scholars interested in serving on publication of our journal as a reviewer.
Peer reviewers are charged with providing feedback to Lingua Cultura editors about the merits of submissions in terms of quality and contribution to the field. Reviewers are expected to write reviews in a timely, collegial, and constructive manner. Maintaining Lingua Cultura as a scientific journal of the highest quality depends on reviewers with a high level of expertise and an ability to be objective, fair, and insightful in their evaluation of manuscripts.
Applicant qualification :
1. Applicant must have JJA min Lektor (300) or Doctorate degree.
2. Applicant must have significant publishing and reviewing experience related to journal focus and scope.
3. Applicant must have a international publication.
4. Applicant must have account in google scholar or scopus.
5. Applicant are willing and provide a suggestion for improving the quality of reviewed article.
Benefit for Lingua Cultura reviewer :
1. Incentive.
2. Certificate (based on request).
If you are interested, please submit your CV to and register as a reviewer in our website. We will respond to your inquiry shortly. If you have a colleague who may enjoy serving on our volunteer Editorial Review Board, please feel free to forward our Website address to him or her.
Please provide basic information, affiliation, education background, reviewing experience, and publication history in your CV.