Jakarta’s Generation Z and Local Fashion Industry: Unveiling the Impact of Brand Image, Perceived Quality, and Country of Origin
Generation Z, local fashion industry, brand image, perceived quality, country of originAbstract
The local fashion industry in Indonesia faces tough competition with imported brands, driven by shifting consumer preferences, particularly during the pandemic. The research examined the impact of country of origin on purchase intention in the casual fashion industry, with brand image and perceived quality as intervening factors. It involved 412 Indonesian Gen Z in Jakarta as respondents with prior experience in the local casual fashion market. Data were collected through online questionnaires, and the SEM-PLS analysis method with SmartPLS v3.2.9 software was used for analysis. Results show that country of origin significantly influences brand image and perceived quality, affecting purchase intention. The research aligns with prior consumer perceptions studies. The implications offer guidance for casual fashion industry marketers and retailers. Emphasizing a positive country of origin image and focusing on brand image and perceived quality can impact purchase decisions, particularly among Indonesian Gen Z consumers in Jakarta. Future research can also expand the scope to include a broader sample and employ qualitative methods for deeper consumer insights. In conclusion, the research enhances understanding of consumer behavior in the casual fashion industry by revealing the role of country of origin, brand image, and perceived quality in shaping purchase intentions. Businesses can utilize these insights to refine their marketing strategies and better cater to their target consumers’ preferences.
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Agustina, N. A., Sumowo, S., & Wijayantini, B. (2018). Pengaruh kualitas produk, citra merek, dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian. Jurnal Penelitian Ipteks, 3(2), 186–196.
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Elarbah, L. A., & Shebli, N. (2020). The relationship between country-of-origin and quality of the product and buying decision: A case study of the Turkish clothes on Libyan market. The International New Issues in Social Sciences, 8(1), 93–114.
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Hien, N. N., Phuong, N. N., Tran, T. V., & Thang, L. D. (2020). The effect of country-of-origin image on purchase intention: The mediating role of brand image and brand evaluation. Management Science Letters, 10, 1205–1212. https://doi.org/10.5267/j.msl.2019.11.038
Islamiati, W. (2023, March 1). Impor pakaian dan sepatu bekas membanjir, Indonesia tak punya aturan ketat. Bisnis.com. https://ekonomi.bisnis.com/read/20230301/257/1632803/impor-pakaian-dan-sepatu-bekas-membanjir-indonesia-tak-punya-aturan-ketat
Juhaeri. (2018). The influence of brand image, service quality, price perception and trust on the purchase decision of welding workshop welding www.Kanopirumah.com. PINISI Discretion Review, 2(1), 17–24. https://doi.org/10.26858/pdr.v2i1.13219
Kim, L., Pongsakornrungsilp, S., Pongsakornrungsilp, P., Jindabot, T., & Kumar, V. (2023). Why do customers want to buy COVID-19 medicines? Evidence from Thai citizens. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(6), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20065027
Kim, N., Chun, E., & Ko, E. (2017). Country of origin effects on brand image, brand evaluation, and purchase intention: A closer look at Seoul, New York, and Paris fashion collection. International Marketing Review, 34(2), 254–271. https://doi.org/10.1108/IMR-03-2015-0071
Lie, C. L., & Bernarto, I. (2019). The effects of country of origin, perceived quality and brand image on the purchase intention of Etude House Cosmetics. Business and Management Horizons, 7(2), 36–49. https://doi.org/10.5296/bmh.v7i2.15324
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Nora, L., & Minarti, N. S. (2016). The role of religiosity, lifestyle, attitude as determinant purchase intention. In The 2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference (pp. 135–148).
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Pramitha, T. (2021). Pengaruh country of origin, brand image dan brand awareness terhadap purchase intention. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, 5(5), 453–458. https://doi.org/10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.009
Prasasti, A., Parahiyanti, C. R., Dewi, Y. R., Wahyudi, H. D., & Wilujeng, I. P. (2020). The influence of country of origin and brand image towards perceived quality of online games. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 7(11), 361–372.
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