Mengukur Manfaat Ekonomis Sistem Aplikasi Monitoring ATM dengan Metode Information Economics: Studi Kasus PT Bank XYZ Tbk


  • Viany Utamy Thjin Staf pengajar Fakultas Ekonomi, UBiNus, Jakarta
  • Hudiarto Hudiarto Staf pengajar Fakultas Ekonomi, UBiNus, Jakarta
  • Intan Puspita Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi, UBiNus, Jakarta



economic, information economics, information technology, Gasper Vantage


Research discusses information economics method to measure the economic benefit from information technology application. Research with information economics method is applied on Gasper Vantage, ATM monitoring application system that is used by XYZ Bank Company. The Gasper Vantage is applied to increase the ATM availability and to give a better service to customer. From the research, the Gasper Vantage can be use
by XYZ Bank Company and also increasing the company competitive advantage.


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How to Cite

Thjin, V. U., Hudiarto, H., & Puspita, I. (2005). Mengukur Manfaat Ekonomis Sistem Aplikasi Monitoring ATM dengan Metode Information Economics: Studi Kasus PT Bank XYZ Tbk. Journal The Winners, 6(1), 59-73.
Abstract 545  .
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