Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): Journal of ASEAN Studies
Editorial: Southeast Asian Readiness vis-à-vis the ASEAN Economic Community
Abstract 476 . Downloaded 525
The Determinants of New Product Performance in Malaysian Industry
Abstract 1077 . Downloaded 549 -
The Importance of Microfinance for Development of MSMEs in ASEAN: Evidence from Indonesia
Abstract 2928 . Downloaded 3259 -
China’s Crisis Bargaining in the South China Sea Dispute (2010-2013)
Abstract 1041 . Downloaded 653
Practice Notes
Indonesian Economy Leading to a Political Year and How Foreign Banks Can Play a Role in Development
Abstract 535 . Downloaded 438
Erratum to "The Mandala Culture of Anarchy: The Pre-Colonial Southeast Asian International Society"
Abstract 658 . Downloaded 431