Vol. 8 No. 1 (2017): ComTech
The Impact of Self-Esteem and Internet Use on Academic Performance
Abstract 758 . Downloaded 507 -
Local Contrast Enhancement Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Optimized By Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Abstract 418 . Downloaded 225 -
Eve: An Automated Question Answering System for Events Information
Abstract 489 . Downloaded 330 -
Complexitor: An Educational Tool for Learning Algorithm Time Complexity in Practical Manner
Abstract 671 . Downloaded 481 -
Students’ Satisfaction on Academic Services in Higher Education Using Importance-Performance Analysis
Abstract 1620 . Downloaded 865 -
The Implementation of ABC Classification and (Q, R) with Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model on the Travel Agency
Abstract 1629 . Downloaded 659 -
Analysis and Design of Web-Based Database Application for Culinary Community
Abstract 709 . Downloaded 495