Complexitor: An Educational Tool for Learning Algorithm Time Complexity in Practical Manner


  • Elvina Elvina Maranatha Christian University
  • Oscar Karnalim Maranatha Christian University



Complexitor, educational tool, learning algorithm, time complexity


Based on the informal survey, learning algorithm time complexity in a theoretical manner can be rather difficult to understand. Therefore, this research proposed Complexitor, an educational tool for learning algorithm time complexity in a practical manner. Students could learn how to determine algorithm time complexity through the actual execution of algorithm implementation. They were only required to provide algorithm implementation (i.e. source code written on a particular
programming language) and test cases to learn time complexity. After input was given, Complexitor generated execution sequence based on test cases and determine its time complexity through Pearson correlation. An algorithm time complexity with the highest correlation value toward execution sequence was assigned as its result. Based on the evaluation, it can be concluded this mechanism is quite effective for determining time complexity as long as the distribution of given input set is balanced.

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Author Biographies

Elvina Elvina, Maranatha Christian University

Faculty of Information Technology

Oscar Karnalim, Maranatha Christian University

Faculty of Information Technology


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How to Cite

Elvina, E., & Karnalim, O. (2017). Complexitor: An Educational Tool for Learning Algorithm Time Complexity in Practical Manner. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 8(1), 21-27.



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