Vol. 7 No. 3 (2016): ComTech
Shortest Path with Dynamic Weight Implementation using Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Abstract 1010 . Downloaded 643 -
Usage of Web Service in Mobile Application for Parents and Students in Binus School Serpong
Abstract 508 . Downloaded 308 -
Risk Management in Information Technology Project: An Empirical Study
Abstract 1536 . Downloaded 2119 -
Potential Threats of Information Disclosure in Social Media: a Systematic Literature Review
Abstract 947 . Downloaded 549 -
The Improvement of Flip (2,2) Visual Cryptography Images Using Two Key Images
Abstract 446 . Downloaded 214 -
Gamification of Learning: Can Games Motivate Me to Learn History?
Abstract 1236 . Downloaded 761 -
Winsorized Modified One Step M-Estimator As a Measure of the Central Tendency in the Alexander-Govern Test
Abstract 476 . Downloaded 244