Pencahayaan Buatan pada Pendekatan Teknis dan Estetis untuk Bangunan dan Ruang Dalam


  • Budi Setiawan Bina Nusantara University
  • Grace Hartanti Bina Nusantara University



artificial lights, human activities, technical, psychological, aesthetic


Lights are essential for humans and other living creatures. Without lights or lighting, surely it will be hard to do everything, especially in the afternoon or at night. As the development of civilization and technology, humans created artificial lighting. For the first time, it was only a substitute for natural light from the sun. Artificial light was provided from the fire; then research and development of the light bulb were conducted by Alessandro Volta, Sir Humphry Davy, Warren De La Rue, to Thomas Alva Edison. After the natural lights from the sun can be replaced by artificial lighting from the lamp, the development of lighting is getting much complex ranging from technical to psychological things. This relates to the increasing human activity in the room. The diversity of different activity requires different types of lighting methods. The development results not only about technical and psychological problems but also aesthetic elements.



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Author Biographies

Budi Setiawan, Bina Nusantara University

Interior Design Department, School of Design

Grace Hartanti, Bina Nusantara University

Interior Design Department, School of Design


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Gardner, C. & Molony, R. (2001). Transformations Light. United Kingdom: RotoVision SA.

Martin, L. (2010). The Lighting Bible. Singapore: Page One.

Pritchard, D. C. (1986). Interior Lighting Design. London: Lighting Industrial Federation Limited and The Electricity Council.

Satwiko, P. (2004). Fisika Bangunan. Yogyakarta: Andi.

William, M. C. Lam. (1977). Perception and Lighting as Formgivers for Architecture. New York: McGraw-Hill.






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