Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): EMACS
The SDLC Analysis for Implementation Document Management System at IPR Center of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Abstract 401 . Downloaded 399 -
Phishing Site Detection Classification Model Using Machine Learning Approach
Abstract 692 . Downloaded 529 -
Enhancing Flood Disaster Preparedness Through Virtual Reality: A VR-based Flood Simulator Game
Abstract 370 . Downloaded 486 -
Comparison of the TF-IDF Method with the Count Vectorizer to Classify Hate Speech
Abstract 641 . Downloaded 812 -
Fruits Recognition using Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Low Computing Device
Abstract 243 . Downloaded 240 -
Phishing Detection Applications for Website and Domain at Browser using Virustototal API
Abstract 639 . Downloaded 371 -
Implementation of Augmented Reality Shopping in E-Commerce to Increase Customer's Purchase Intention
Abstract 1003 . Downloaded 971