Organic Growth Improvement of Indonesian Logistics Companies (A Conceptual Model: Contribution of Strategic Management, Transformational Leadership, and Knowledge Management to Corporate Entrepreneurship and Its Impact on Organic Growth)


  • Darjat Sudrajat Bina Nusantara University



organic growth, corporate entrepreneurship, transformational leadership, strategic management, knowledge management


Indonesian logistics companies needed performance improvement (particularly in organic growth) for increasing their competitiveness. Based on previous researches that in order to increase organic growth, it could be conducted through developing corporate entrepreneurship, namely the activities that enhance company’s ability to innovate, take risk and seize market opportunities. The purpose of this paper tried to explore the relationships among variables, namely organic growth (OG), corporate entrepreneurship (CE), transformational leadership (TL), knowledge management (KM), and strategic management (SM). Therefore, this research used causal-explanatory study to explain relationships among the variables. The results of this research were concluded that TL, KM, and SM have contributions to corporate entrepreneurship and organic
growth. The relationships could be constructed in a conceptual model that could be verified through further research.


Plum Analytics

Author Biography

Darjat Sudrajat, Bina Nusantara University

Management Department


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