The Roles of Organizational Commitment, Emotional Intelligence, and Job Satisfaction for Improving Employee Performance at a Construction Company


  • Ahmad Azmy Paramadina University



organizational commitment, emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, employee performance


The research analyzed the influence of organizational commitment, emotional intelligence, and job satisfaction on employee performance. It aimed to determine the variables with the most significant influence on employee performance. The respondent of the research was a construction company where employee performance had an important role in ensuring long-term business sustainability. The research applied a quantitative research with purposive sampling techniques. The number of respondents used as a research database were 100 people. Then, the influence of these variables was analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). The research results show that organizational commitment, emotional intelligence, and job satisfaction have a positive effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction is found to have the highest impact on employee performance. The research makes a positive contribution to the body of knowledge by analyzing the influence of organizational commitment, emotional intelligence, and job satisfaction on employee performance. Organizations need to increase organizational commitment and emotional intelligence of their employees because the sustainability of an organization’s business is very dependent on the performance of its employees. Then, business quality is determined by commitment and emotional intelligence which influence employee performance comprehensively. Meanwhile, job satisfaction is a concern focused on companies for the stability of employee performance. It is hoped that the research provides positive recommendations for the company and emphasize the central role of employee performance in the success of its business.


Plum Analytics

Author Biography

Ahmad Azmy, Paramadina University

Master of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business


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How to Cite

Azmy, A. (2023). The Roles of Organizational Commitment, Emotional Intelligence, and Job Satisfaction for Improving Employee Performance at a Construction Company. Binus Business Review, 14(3), 307-319.
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