The Decision of Women in Makassar City to Be Entrepreneurs


  • Hasniati STIE Amkop
  • Dewi Pratiwi Indriasari STIE Amkop
  • Arief Sirajuddin Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Gowa
  • Abdul Karim Universitas Bosowa



decision-making, women’s decisions, female entrepreneurs


The participation rate of Indonesian women as entrepreneurs is the highest in Southeast Asia. The research aimed to determine the effect of personality factors, socio-cultural factors, and contextual element on the decision-making of female entrepreneurs in Makassar City. The research applied a quantitative-qualitative approach (mixed methods). The total population was 8.756 people. However, after the probability sampling was carried out, the sample of respondents was 382 people. Then, the three informants were determined by purposive sampling to become key informants based on the criteria. The analysis tool used in the test was structural equation model analysis with the help of the AMOS program. The results of the quantitative research and transcripts of the interview process are carried out at the qualitative stage which is analyzed descriptively. The results show that personality factors has a significant effect on the characteristics of female entrepreneurs in Makassar City. Through moderating variables, the results show that contextual elements have significant effect on entrepreneurial decisions. The characteristics of female entrepreneurs are to describe achievement motivation, future orientation, leadership, responsiveness, and creativity for all women in Indonesia to support economic transformation. The decision of women to become entrepreneurs also contributes to the sustainability of the household economy.


Plum Analytics

Author Biographies

Hasniati, STIE Amkop

Department of Management

Dewi Pratiwi Indriasari, STIE Amkop

Department of Management

Arief Sirajuddin, Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Gowa

Department of Sustainable Agricultural Extension

Abdul Karim, Universitas Bosowa

Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business


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How to Cite

Hasniati, H., Indriasari, D. P., Sirajuddin, A., & Karim, A. (2022). The Decision of Women in Makassar City to Be Entrepreneurs. Binus Business Review, 14(1), 85-98.
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