Customer Loyalty: The Difference between Full-Service Carriers and Low-Cost Carriers in Indonesia


  • Yasintha Soelasih Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
  • Sumani Sumani Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia



customer loyalty, Full-Service Carriers, Low-Cost Carriers


The level of competition in the aviation industry has increased since the regulation change in 1999. Aviation
companies in providing services can be divided into three categories: full service, medium service, and no-frills
service. Both Full-Service Carriers (FSCs) and Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs) experience a high level of competition.
The research aimed to look at the differences in customer loyalty on domestic FSCs and LCCs in Indonesia.
The differences were shown from testing the effect of service quality on customer loyalty mediated by customer
satisfaction and behavioral intention to use. Respondents were FSCs and LCCs passengers. Samples were taken
by purposive sampling. There were 522 respondents for FSCs and 529 respondents for LCCs were observed by
distributing questionnaires. Then, the research tested the validity and reliability of the variables using Confirmatory
Factor Analysis (CFA), Composite Reliability (CR), and Average Variance Extracted (AVE). Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) was also applied to examine the hypothesis. The results show the formation of customer
loyalty from service quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intention to use on FSCs and LCCs. The most
significant factor is the behavioral intention in forming customer loyalty in FSCs and LCCs. Meanwhile, customer
satisfaction does not influence customer loyalty for FSCs and LCCs.


Plum Analytics


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How to Cite

Soelasih, Y., & Sumani, S. (2021). Customer Loyalty: The Difference between Full-Service Carriers and Low-Cost Carriers in Indonesia. Binus Business Review, 12(1), 21-29.
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