How to Expand Repurchase Intention? The Intervening Impact of Attitude towards Mobile Shopping




repurchase intention, user attitude, mobile shopping, perceived usefulness, perceived risk


The development of information technology has a significant impact on almost all activities in various fields,
such as shopping. The perceived benefit and lower risk factors are significant factors for shopping on the Internet.
However, the problem in shopping activities is the security risk factor in transactions and the lack of public
knowledge and trust. There is a research gap in the relationship between perceived benefits and risks with purchase
intention. Based on the phenomenon, the research aimed to investigate and test the attitude toward mobile
shopping as a mediating variable at the relationship between perceived usefulness and perceived risk against
repurchase intention. The research applied a quantitative approach to explain the relationship between research
variables. The used sampling technique was purposive sampling with several criteria, with a total sample of 200
mobile shopping users in Central Java. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. The obtained data
were processed using the SPSS 16. The results show that perceived usefulness and perceived risk affect attitude
in mobile shopping and repurchase intention significantly. Then, attitude toward mobile shopping also influence
repurchase intention. Last, it also finds that attitude toward mobile shopping can mediate the relationship between
perceived usefulness and perceived risk against repurchase intention.


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How to Cite

Nurcholis, L., & Ferdianto, R. . (2021). How to Expand Repurchase Intention? The Intervening Impact of Attitude towards Mobile Shopping. Binus Business Review, 12(1), 11-19.
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