The Impact of Customer Satisfaction with EWOM and Brand Equity on E-Commerce Purchase Intention in Indonesia Moderated by Culture
customer satisfaction, electronic word of mouth (eWOM), brand equity, e-commerce, purchase intention, collectivist cultureAbstract
The digital era, which increasingly becomes massive in people’s lives, impacts the traditional sales methods.
E-commerce companies compete in winning the competition to create superior customer value. An effective and
efficient marketing strategy is needed that can influence customer purchase intention. The research focused on
the effect of customer satisfaction, which created eWOM and increased brand equity on purchase intention by
adding culture (collectivist culture) as the moderator variables. The research applied a quantitative approach. The
data were obtained from 280 respondents selected by non-probability sampling. Respondents were customers
who had already bought products through e-commerce in Indonesia. The questionnaire instrument was adopted
based on theories from the previous researchers. The data used the Likert scale and were analyzed using the
SmartPLS 3.0. The results state a significant relationship between the independent and dependent variables. All
independent variables have a significant influence on the dependent variable. However, culture as the moderator
variable cannot get significant results in the relationship between all the variables. It gets irrelevant results. Hence,
the results show that the moderator variable is more appropriate as the independent variable. It can directly
affect purchase intention. The research contributes to testing culture as the moderator variable that makes the
independent variables generalize the findings.
Plum Analytics
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