The Technology Acceptance Model of Mobile Payment Usage on Generation Z


  • Nerry Kristina Universitas Universal
  • Ibnu Harris Universitas Universal



Technology Acceptance Model, mobile payment, Generation Z


The research aimed to support Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theories such as Perceived Ease of
Use (PEOU), Security (SECU), Brand Loyalty (BL), Behavioural Intention (BI), and the marketing models,
Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM), on the use of mobile payments of the Generation Z. The researchers used
the quantitative method. Using a non-probability sampling method with a convenience sampling technique, there
were 100 respondents of Generation Z. The data were then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
with Partial Least Square (PLS). The results show that PEOU has no significant effect on BI. SECU and BL affect
BI significantly. Then, BI has a significant impact on EWOM. It means that PEOU is not an important factor for
Generation Z to use mobile payment. SECU and BL make the Generation Z continue to use mobile payment
without worrying about data privacy issues because BL is embedded in their mind. As a result of BI, Generation
Z will do marketing in the form of EWOM to their closest friends or relatives via social media.


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How to Cite

Kristina, N., & Harris, I. (2020). The Technology Acceptance Model of Mobile Payment Usage on Generation Z. Binus Business Review, 11(3), 149-156.
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