The Mapping of Quality Tourists Prospects for Indonesia’s Tourism Markets


  • Addin Maulana Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy
  • RR Chamma Fitri Putri Pradjwalita Koesfardani Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy
  • I Dewa Gede Richard Alan Amory Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy



quality tourists, tourist prospects, Indonesia’s tourism markets


The research aimed to identify which countries could be segmented as a potential tourism market for Indonesia
to increase quality tourists. It applied quantitative methods with descriptive statistical analysis techniques to
describe the average expenditure per visit and the length of stay. It was conducted by modifying the quadrant
model. The result shows that there are countries included in the market with the prospect of quality tourists.
Those are Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, France, Germany, Austria, Finland,
Italy, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand, USA, Portugal, Egypt, Pakistan, and
Australia. The government needs to optimize those countries to become the main market. Therefore, the revenue
from the tourism sector can be better optimized.


Plum Analytics

Author Biographies

Addin Maulana, Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy

Junior Researcher

RR Chamma Fitri Putri Pradjwalita Koesfardani, Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy

First Researcher

I Dewa Gede Richard Alan Amory, Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy

First Statistician


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How to Cite

Maulana, A., Koesfardani, R. C. F. P. P., & Richard Alan Amory, I. D. G. (2020). The Mapping of Quality Tourists Prospects for Indonesia’s Tourism Markets. Binus Business Review, 11(3), 167-174.
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