Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Adoption in Asian Countries: An Empirical Evidence of Economic and Socio-Cultural Factors
Information Communication and Technology (ICT) adoption, Asian countries, economic factor, socio-cultural factorAbstract
The research dealt with factors affected the different Information Communication and Technology (ICT) adoption
rate among Asian countries. The primary purpose was to examine the impact of national wealth and culture on
the behavioral adoption of ICT empirically among selected countries in Asia. Data were collected from the World
Bank, World Economic Forum, and Hofstede’s cultural dimension index. Statistical correlation and multiple
regression were utilized to analyze the dataset, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a proxy for national
wealth and Hofstede’s cultural dimension as a proxy for culture. The result shows a significant relationship
between GDP per capita and uncertainty avoidance on the national ICT adoption index. This finding contributes
to improving the acknowledgment of the GDP and national culture as the antecedent of ICT adoption in the global
field. Practically, the research updates the previous similar ones and proposes further empirical research to extend
the scope of analysis.
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