Organizational Politics and Job Satisfaction: Mediation and Moderation of Political Skills
organizational politics, job satisfaction, political skills.Abstract
Politics in organizations has been a concern for the job satisfaction of the employees. The minimum research
on how politics are in an organization plays an essential role in job satisfaction. In this context, organizational
politics are suspected of contributing to employees’ job satisfaction. However, there is limited research discussing
political skill as a ‘bridge’ variable between organizational politics and job satisfaction. The research examined
the impact of moderation and mediation of political skill on organizational politics and job satisfaction in Ternate
City government. It applied a quantitative method. The population was 240 employees from the middle to top
management in local government offices. With purposive sampling, 86 respondents working in the Regional
Government Work Unit of Ternate City were involved in the survey. The research used a hierarchical regression
analysis as a statistical analysis and IBM SPSS statistics Version 24. The results show several results. First,
organizational politics influences job satisfaction negatively. Second, organizational politics affect political skill
positively. Third, political skill strengthens the relationship between organizational politics and job satisfaction. It
mediates and moderates the full relationship between organizational politics and job satisfaction.
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