The Effect of Environmental Management Accounting on Corporate Sustainability


  • Yobi Nagoya Pratiwi Sriwijaya University
  • Inten Meutia sriwijaya university
  • Syamsurijal Syamsurijal Sriwijaya University



Environmental Management Accounting (EMA), corporate sustainability


This research aimed to examine the effect of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) on corporate sustainability in mining, agriculture, construction and construction materials, energy, textile and apparel companies in Indonesia from 2014-2018. This research had 87 observations from 20 in Indonesia from 2014-2018. EMA was measured by eco-efficiency energy. Meanwhile, corporate sustainability was measured by environmental and social factors. The researchers used content analysis to measure entity sustainability. The data were qualitative and quantitative in the form of annual reports and company sustainability reports based on the G4 of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The results show that there is a positive influence between EMA on corporate sustainability. The high value of the eco-efficiency of the companies indicates the low usage of energy. The low use of energy certainly has a positive impact on environmental and social aspects as well as being a determining factor for corporate sustainability.


Plum Analytics

Author Biographies

Yobi Nagoya Pratiwi, Sriwijaya University

Accounting Department

Inten Meutia, sriwijaya university

Accounting Department

Syamsurijal Syamsurijal, Sriwijaya University

Economic Science Department


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