The Dilemmas of the Contemporary World


  • Zdenek Mikolas UE Katowice, Poland Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management VŠPP Praha, Czech Repulic Department of Business and Managem



market society dillemas, economic power, contemporary world


The research focused on the dilemmas of the power of market society. In here, the research aimed to find the context of trends in the contemporary world and explore the main elements of society. The main elements of society were economic, political and violent forces. The main methodological principles of the research are the diagnostic – therapeutic approach to the world and the development, and the techniques of mathematical logic modeling through the description and scenarios.


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Author Biography

Zdenek Mikolas, UE Katowice, Poland Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management VŠPP Praha, Czech Repulic Department of Business and Managem

Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management.

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How to Cite

Mikolas, Z. (2016). The Dilemmas of the Contemporary World. Binus Business Review, 7(3), 269-273.
Abstract 496  .
PDF downloaded 313  .