Strategi Pemasaran Global di Pasar Indonesia


  • Freddy Simbolon Bina Nusantara Univerisity



globalization, global marketing strategy


Globalization is a new challenge for companies in the implementation of marketing strategy. Due to globalization, companies are required to compete with world class companies that have large capital and higher quality products. Indonesia currently becomes the market target for global companies to enjoy huge profits, while the Indonesian companies lost the competition. This study aims to obtain global marketing strategy for Indonesian companies in Indonesian market. Research method used is descriptive analisys. Merger between adaptation of marketing strategies and standard marketing strategy is appropriate strategy in Indonesian market.

Plum Analytics

Author Biography

Freddy Simbolon, Bina Nusantara Univerisity

Management Department


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How to Cite

Simbolon, F. (2013). Strategi Pemasaran Global di Pasar Indonesia. Binus Business Review, 4(1), 405-413.
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