The Influence of Experiential Marketing, Emotional Branding, Brand Trust Towards Brand Loyalty


  • Retno Dewanti BINUS University
  • Tjia Fie Chu BINUS University
  • Steven Wibisono BINUS University



Experiental Marketing, Emotional Branding, Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty.


The restaurant business in jakarta showed rapidly increased. Marketing today as the compete of brand strategy and experiental marketing on the competitive situation. The Jun Jan Kitchen is a new restaurant specialized on Chinnese Food, urgent to know the brand loyalty. The Aim research is to measured the influence of Experiental marketing, emotional branding and brand trust towards brand loyalty. Research method used descriptif, data collecting technique with questioner and observation. Statistic tools using path analysis to looking for contribution level on each variabel towards other. Population this research is customer Jun Jan Kitchen. Sampling technique using accidental sampling. Amount of sample is 100 customers. Result of this research is experiental marketing giving the significant influence towards brand trust whereas Emotional branding giving the significant influence towards brand loyalty. 


Plum Analytics

Author Biographies

Retno Dewanti, BINUS University

Jurusan Manajemen 

Tjia Fie Chu, BINUS University

jurusan manajement

Steven Wibisono, BINUS University

Jrusan Manajement


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Jurnal USAHAWAN No. 06 Th XXXVI JUNI 2007: p23.

Rangkuti, F. (2004). The Power of Brands: teknik mengelolah brand equity dan strategi pengembangan merek. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.




How to Cite

Dewanti, R., Chu, T. F., & Wibisono, S. (2011). The Influence of Experiential Marketing, Emotional Branding, Brand Trust Towards Brand Loyalty. Binus Business Review, 2(2), 1109-1117.
Abstract 3010  .
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